Unrequited Love-Letter


A letter from an anonymous listener sharing her experiences on relationships and unrequited love. 

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Relationships & Mental Health


Talking about relationships from a mental health perspective. How much easier is it to challenge our society’s way of thinking today?

Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/alien-perspectives/support



Do you get scared that fear would overwhelm you, take you into the rabbit hole and that you would never find your way out?…. Or do you fear that you’ve found yourself out of the rabbit hole and now…. you won’t be appreciated or accepted outside of the rabbit hole.?  Let’s have this conversation

Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/alien-perspectives/support

What is Self?


Is there such a thing as ‘self’? How personal does the word ‘self’ sound to you? Is that a thing you can describe? Can you depict, determine or decipher the meaning of such a simple word without being consumed by the present?

Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/alien-perspectives/support

Dreams & Unrequited Dreams


What comes to your mind when you think about dreams….. Is it the dreams you let go, the dreams you’re pursuing, the dreams you have yet to pursue, dreams you’re living, and the dreams that are long gone? Indulge me! and I want you to have the question in mind: Do you get scared that your dreams will choke you?

Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/alien-perspectives/support



What are your experiences on Catcalling and do you think men get catcalled? if so, why do they hate it when their sisters get catcalled?

Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/alien-perspectives/support

Introduction to “Alien” Perspectives


This is an introductory Episode to how The podcast “Alien” Perspectives was born, its aim and goals to Normalise Vulnerability.

Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/alien-perspectives/support